Tara Flowers

Frequently Asked
Delivery Options
 What are the delivery options available ?
 Fedex Overnight / SouthWest cargo / Delta Cargo.
Shipping Cost
 How much is the shipping cost for fedex ?
 Depends location and weight.Minimum would be $75.
Shipping flowers
 Can flowers be shipped across the United States ?
 Yes.Through fedex / Southwest cargo.
Fast Delivery
 How soon do I need to place the orders ?
 For any special occasions(wedding/House warming/Baby showers/ … ) place order 10-15 days before.
Confirmation mail
 How do I know my order is confirmed ?
 Confirmation email will be sent to your email id.
Reach Out
 Is there any number/email to reach out to tara flowers ?
 Review the order confirmation email. It has contact details.
Wedding Garlands
 How many garlands do I need to select for a wedding ?
 Standard wedding size is 2.5 each side. Total 5 feet.
Home Delivery
 Do you do Home delivery ?
Options available in Houston ,Texas. Reach out to tarajasmines@gmail.com.Minimum charge would be $50.
Preserving Flowers
 How long will Jasmines be fresh and how to preserve them ?
 3-4 days.Keep them in regular fridge.
Fresh flowers
 How long garlands can stay fresh ?
3-4 days.
Weekly arrive flowers
 What day do fresh flowers arrive ?
  Once a week flowers come from India .(Wednesday ).Sometime it vary depends on festival.
Other days arrive flowers
 Can I get fresh flowers on any other day other than Wednesday for special occasions ?
 We are working on these items . Will be available in future
Tulasi leaves
 Can I order tulasi leaves ?
 Tulasi is not allow to import from India.
Future ideas
 Can I get beetel/Mango Leaves ?
 We are working on these items. Will be available in future.
Accepted credit cartds
 We are working on these items . Will be available in future ?
 We accept zelle, cheque , credit card.
Advance Amount
 Do I need to pay an advance amount for my orders ?
 Yes.If your order is more than $250 dollars.
 Can I be a distributor of tara flowers ?
 Yes.Most of them will deliver on time.Sometimes it may delay because of flight/USDA custom delays which are not in our control.
Distributer reach out
 Can I be a distributor of tara flowers ?
 Yes.Reach out to tarajasmines@gmail.com.